Can my users work offline (e.g., during a flight)?

Yes, they can. However, they must have been allocated a seat shortly before their trip.

To prepare for offline use of the Team Subscription License:

  1. Prior to leaving on a trip, start the application and get allocated a seat from your Team Subscription License. If the allocation expires prior to your leaving, the application will still work for seven days while no internet is available. After the seven-day offline period expires, you must go back online so a seat can be re-allocated to you.
  2. Leave on your trip.
  3. If you were allocated a seat the last time you ran the application, you will still be able to run it in a situation where there is no internet connection.
  4. The application will continue to work for up to seven days while you are offline. The license will still be returned to the pool after 24 hours so other users will not be denied access to the application once your original allocation expires.
  5. If, at any time during your trip, you connect to the internet and start the application, it will close your session and attempt to re-allocate a seat. If no seats are available at that moment, you will no longer be able to use the application.

Note that users who often travel and spend substantial time with no internet connection might be more suited to use a User Subscription License that will make it possible to run an application offline for up to 30 days.