I am looking to deploy your software company-wide. How do I silently install the traffic products using a script?
Please see an example of a KeySIGNALS script Below:
::Install Transoft Solutions KeySIGNALS 10.3.0
::Install KeySIGNALS 10.3.0
%~dp0KeySIGNALS_10.3.0_x64.exe /s /v"/qn SERVERTYPE=networkclient SERVERNAME=DCServer SERVERPORT=27099"
icacls "C:\ProgramData\Transoft Solutions" /grant Users:(OI)(CI)F
Exit 0
Please bear in mind that you will need to change the product name to the software that you are installing, as well as the version number and also change the server name from DCServer to the name or IP Address of your License Server.
- The option for the SERVERTYPE is Always included and can only be set to = networkclient
- The option for the SERVERNAME can be set to the name or IP of the Network License Server.
or to TRANSOFT_CLOUD to obtain the licence USL / TSL from the Transoft cloud server
If not set or not included, it will default to localhost. - The option for the SERVERPORT can be set to another port number as used by the Network License Server (we recommend not to change this if possible)
If not set or not included, it will default to 27099