KeyOSC Classic mode - Configure for WFS a server


I want to use the Classic Mode of KeyOSC (like 4.2) and still configure the WSF server to point to the OS Data hub.


Here are the steps to config KeyOSC 4.1.1 (and newer) for the OS data hub server.

1. You will need to sign up to a premium account on  Don't worry it is quick and easy, you are allowed to download 1000 worth of data 'free' each month and you don't even need to register any payment method.

2. Next you need to create a new 'project' on your OS data hub page. Just pick 'My Projects' and then pick the '+ Create new project' button.

3. Next you need add an 'OS Features' api to that project.  Just pick the '+ Add API' button and then pick the 'Add to project' button next to the OS Features API item. When using Classic KeyOSC Mode, you only need to add ONE API, as only the Mastermap data can be accessed in this mode.

4. Click 'Done' and then you need to make a note of the URL called WFS Endpoint Address. There is a handy 'COPY' button next to the web address.  This address is unique to each person and project, so in the image below it has been 'fuzzed'.
OS Hub OS features API

5. Now you can exit from the OS web site and open KeyOSC mapper.

6. Now KeyOSC is open, use the 'Map Options' menu item on the ribbon menu. Or you can type DisplayViewOptions on the command line. This will open a dialog with various KeyOSC options.
KeyOSC ribbon Map Options

7. Go to the second tab 'Map Options'.    There are two settings requiring attention, the 'server' address and the 'table mappings'. Lets open the server settings firstly.

8. Here you can pick the 'Modify Server' button, which should pop up a smaller dialog where you can 'Paste' the URL Address from item 4 above.  You can leave the Addressbase url blank for now, but it would be useful to pick the 'Test' button, before picking the 'OK' button.
Map Options Dialog

9. Now the second part, pick the 'Table Mappings' button. This will open a larger dialog, although there might be a short pause whilst if refreshes the data connection.
Choose Table Mappings

10.  There is a default mappings template available already in KeyOSC, so use the 'Load Template' button.

11. Now browse to the folder C:\Program Files\Keysoft Solutions\KeyOSC Mapper\4.1\Help\Table Mapping Templates , but change the '4.1' if you are configuring a newer version.
Browse for Template

12. In this folder there should be a file called OSDataHub.template which you can select and pick 'Open'. It will take a second to load and then you can pick the 'OK' button.

13. Now pick the 'Save' button in the Map Options dialog.

14. You should now be able to load KeyOSC mapping directly from the OS web site. Remember Mastermap mapping is only for 'close up' zoom levels, so you will need to zoom close into a junction or location before the mapping will be displayed. You might want to use a skeleton map as a reference to zoom into a location. In 4.1.1 there is now a 'Outline Map by Xref' button on the ribbon, use the drop down under the first 'Mapping extents' menu item.

If you find you have other issues or need more explanation, then do contact our support team for their help.