KeySCAPE Troubleshooting - Keysoft Landscape Software and Bentley ProjectWise


You wish to know whether Keysoft Landscape software applications run with ProjectWise.



Both applications run inside of full AutoCAD so the Bentley ProjectWise plug-in should work as for your AutoCAD.

Due to the way AutoCAD profiles work, and how drawings load when run directly from inside ProjectWise, you are recommended to run the Keysoft application you wish to use first and open the drawing through the ProjectWise portal within the application and NOT by double-clicking the drawing directly from within ProjectWise. This is because ProjectWise will open AutoCAD only, preventing your Keysoft application loading, even if the correct ribbon menus appear. 


Note: KeySCAPE and KeyTREE use advanced object technology, and these features are not editable when opened in AutoCAD alone. The objects should appear as image only (proxy) entities when opened in AutoCAD provided you have set the AutoCAD System Variable PROXYSHOW to 1. Alternatively, you can install the KeySCAPE Object Enablers from our website, which provide limited editing functionality.


These applications include a licenced version of the Autodesk OEM engine and we are not permitted to allow third party applications, such as ProjectWise, to load within the application. To work with ProjectWise when using KeySCAPE LT and KeyTREE LT you will need to check out the drawing to work on this and check it back in at the end of your editing session. This process is outlined below:

  • In ProjectWise Explorer, navigate to and select the drawing
  • Right mouse click and pick “Check Out” from the menu

  • This saves the drawing to the location stated in the drawing properties window shown in ProjectWise. A red tick indicates it is being edited

  • Open KeySCAPE LT or KeyTREE LT
  • Navigate to and open the drawing from the saved location
  • Work on the drawing, saving back to this local version
  • Once the drawing has been saved and closed, in ProjectWise Explorer, right mouse click and pick Check In

  • You can add notes at this point to describe the changes

  • Pick OK.
  • This will copy the drawing back to ProjectWise and the red tick replaced by a pencil to show it have been saved correctly