AutoTURN Feature (Vehicle Creation) – I need a European Eco Combi for a vehicle simulation. Where can I find such a vehicle in your library?

Category: Vehicle Creation

Topic: Vehicle Creation

Answer: In the European libraries you can find an Eco Combi of 25,25 meters long in the following libraries:

Library Vehicle Name Country # of Parts
CROW Advieslijst LZV LZV Configuratie E Netherlands 3
CROW 2012 (NL) LZV type E Netherlands 3
CROW Publication 260 (NL) Configuratie A Netherlands 3
CROW Publication 260 (NL) Configuratie B Netherlands 3
CROW Publication 260 (NL) Configuratie D Netherlands 2
CROW Publication 260 (NL) Configuratie E Netherlands 3
CROW Publication 320 (NL) Config Trekker OM Netherlands 3
CROW Publication 320 (NL) Config Trekker OO Netherlands 3
CROW Publication 320 (NL) Config Vrachtauto DO Netherlands 2
CROW Publication 320 (NL) Config Vrachtauto MM Netherlands 3
EU DIRECTIVE 96-53 Eco Combi A Global 3
EU DIRECTIVE 96-53 Eco Combi B Global 3
EU DIRECTIVE 96-53 Eco Combi D Global 2
EU DIRECTIVE 96-53 Eco Combi E Global 3
LIIKENNEVIRASTO 2012 (FI) Moduuliyhdistelma Finland 2
STATENS VEGVESEN 2015 (NO) MVT N2-dolly-O3 Norway 2
TRAFIKVERKET 2012 (SE) Lmod Sweden 2
VAGVERKET 2004 (SE) LMOD Sweden 2
VEGAGERDIN 2010 (IS) OTU Iceland 2