KeySCAPE Troubleshooting - Can I share my KeySCAPE Database saved on a File Synchronisation System, such as Drop Box, Google Drive, One Drive, SharePoint, etc.?


You would like to consider moving your KeySCAPE database from a dedicated network server to a cloud-based file store, such as Drop Box, Google Drive, One Drive, SharePoint, etc.


File synchronisation systems, like Drop Box, Google Drive, One Drive, SharePoint, etc. allow you to save a file on their cloud-based server, which is synchronised with a local copy of the same file. When you work on the file, you modify the local copy, and this local version is kept in-synch with the server version, so both files are the latest version. This process means that if you lose your internet connection, you can continue to work on the file until the connection is restored when the cloud version is synchronised again. This is not a replacement for a dedicated server (cloud or physical drive) where you are working directly on the file, and you will not be able to save the file until your connection is restored.

If you share your KeySCAPE database with several of your colleagues and this is saved on a synchronisation system, a break in your internet connection could mean a change made by you or a colleague is over-written by a change made by others when the connection is restored. This will result in the loss of data or changes made to the database.

In common with all files, when you open the KeySCAPE database, a lock file is created to protect the file whilst it being accessed. This is typically deleted when the file is no longer in use, or the application is closed. If the synchronisation fails during this process, the lock file can be left on the server, and this prevents you or your colleagues accessing the database until the lock file is manually deleted. There is no workaround to this other than to manually delete the lock file when the software is closed. 

For the above reasons, it is not recommended that you save your shared KeySCAPE database on a file synchronisation system such as Drop Box, Google Drive, One Drive, SharePoint, etc., but purchase a dedicated cloud solution, of which there are several available.