How do I load TORUS in MicroStation® using the function keys?

Please use the following instructions:

  1. Open MicroStation®
  2. Go to Workspace -> Function Keys
  3. On the right hand side you will have drop down list. Please select one key from that list, for example F4.
  4. If you are using MicroStation® V8i, on the bottom please click on button Edit, and then type the following line in the field New: MDL L "C:\Program Files\Transoft Solutions\TORUS X\"

    If you are in MicroStation® XM, please type the following in the Action field: MDL L "C:\Program Files\Transoft Solutions\TORUS X\"

Please note that you should adjust the file path accordingly to where the .ma files are installed on your machine. (X should be replaced with the version number).

You can also create a function key shortcut for unload by going to Workspace -> Function Keys and selecting for example F4 and CTRL, and using the following line:

  • For XM: MDL unload trXM
  • For V8i: MDL unload tr8i