The KeySCAPE silent install option has been updated to include the ability to set the licensing details from the command line. (This does not apply for KeySCAPE LT)
Here is an updated description of all of the options available.
- To activate the silent installation option you must call the installer from the command line with the following options including the full path to the file KeySCAPE.iss which can be downloaded here KeySCAPE ISS
- The full path to the file is required even if it is in the same directory as the installer.
KeySCAPE_13.0_x64.exe /s /f1"<PathToFile>\KeySCAPE.iss"
For example: KeySCAPE_13.0_x64.exe /s /f1"C:\Installers\KeySCAPE.iss"
Calling the installer in this mode installs KeySCAPE with no prompts placing app data (databases, etc...) in the standard location of C:\ProgramData\KeySCAPE Application Data.
This location can be changed by editing KeySCAPE.iss in notepad and changing the szDir path on line 18.
The other lines are responses to the various dialogs that ordinarily pop up and shouldn't be altered.
The installer will default to selecting the most recent AutoCAD release if there are multiple on the machine and the standard Softworks database.
- If the user wants to change this they can optionally add another parameter at the command line.
Adding /z"ACADVer-R23.1,Territory-1" to the end of the command line above will set up KeySCAPE to use ACAD 2020 and the US version of the Softworks database.
For example: KeySCAPE_13.0_x64.exe /s /f1"C:\Installers\KeySCAPE.iss" /z"ACADVer-R23.1,Territory-1"
If they only want to set one of the parameters that can be done also e.g. /z"ACADVer-R24.0" or /z"Territory-1" are both acceptable.
The missing option will default as above.
- The keywords are not case-sensitive, so "acadver-r23.0" would also work, but there must be a dash between the keyword and the value. The ACAD version number must be in full including the R and the value after the decimal point even if it is 0.
The /z option can also be used when not in silent mode.
From version 13.0.1 onwards there are some additional command line options to enable setting up of the Transoft licensing system. Like the ACAD version and territory options these new options must be included within the /z switch. Unlike the ACAD version and territory options these new options only work when the installer is called in silent mode.
The first option is "ProductName-".
This can be one of three values "Scape", "Tree" or "Both".
This option must be present otherwise all other licencing options will be ignored and a default Scape only network licence will be installed pointing to "localhost" as the server and the default port "27099" e.g. "ProductName-Both".
The next option is "ServerType-". This also can be one of three value "StandAlone", "Network" or "Cloud".
If the option is not present it will default to "Network" e.g. "ServerType-Cloud".
If the "Network" option is chosen you may specify the "ServerName-" and "ServerPort-" options. They will default to "localhost" and "27099" respectively if they are not present.
If the "ProductName-" option is set to "Both" then the "ServerName-" and "ServerPort-" options can take two values separated by a semicolon e.g. "ServerName-Server1;Server2" or "ServerPort-27099;28123".
If the "StandAlone" option is chosen you may specify the "LicenceNumber-" and "CDKey-" options. They will default to blank if the options are not present.
If the "ProductName-" option is set to "Both" then the "ServerName-" and "ServerPort-" options can take two values separated by a semicolon e.g."LicenceNumber-12345;67890" or "CDKey-AAAA-BBBB-CCCC-DDDD-EEEE;FFFF-GGGG-HHHH-IIII-JJJJ".
If the "Cloud" option is specified then no additional options are required.
An example of a network licence for both Scape and Tree for AutoCAD 2023 would be
KeySCAPE_13.0_x64.exe /s /f1"C:\Installers\KeySCAPE.iss" /z"ACADVer-R24.2,ProductName-Both,ServerType-Network,ServerName-Server1;Server2,ServerPort-27099;45678"
An example of a cloud Tree licence for AutoCAD 2022 would be
KeySCAPE_13.0_x64.exe /s /f1"C:\Installers\KeySCAPE.iss" /z"ACADVer-R24.1,ProductName-Tree,ServerType-Cloud"
An example of a standalone Scape licence for AutoCAD 2021 with the USA database would be
KeySCAPE_13.0_x64.exe /s /f1"C:\Installers\KeySCAPE.iss" /z"ACADVer-R24.0,Territory-1,ProductName-Scape,ServerType-StandAlone,LicenceNumber-12345,CDKey-AAAA-BBBB-CCCC-DDDD-EEEE"
There is a slight issue with the 2016 Access Database driver. It pops up a command window while installing. There is no user interaction required so it shouldn't cause an issue. As this is coming from the Access installer there is not a lot we can do about it other than to remove it.