How to open AirTOP versions (3.1 and earlier) after upgrading to AirTOP V4.0?

The latest AirTOP V4.0 is supported by Java 17 64-bit, but AirTOP versions (3.1 and earlier) require Java 8 64-bit. In order to open AirTOP versions (3.1 and earlier) after upgrading to the latest AirTOP V4.0, both Java versions must be installed on the computer.

Follow these steps to open AirTOP 3.1:

  • Copy the updated license file (airtop_license.lic) from the AirTOP v4.0 directory to the AirTOP 3.1 directory.
  • Open the AirTOP_64bits_3gb.bat file in the AirTOP 3.1 directory using a text editor.
  • Find the line "PATH %PATH%;%JAVA_HOME%\bin*" and replace it with "set PATH=C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_361\bin;%PATH%".
  • Please note that you will need to replace "C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_361\bin" with the local path for your Java 8 bin folder.
  • Save the .bat file (AirTOP_64bits_3gb.bat) and run it to open AirTOP 3.1.


By following these steps, you should be able to successfully open AirTOP versions (3.1 and earlier) after upgrading to the latest AirTOP V4.0.