You wish to know how to record tree groups and hedges on site and wish to import these into your drawing using KeyTREE
KeyTREE v12.0 and later versions
KeyTREE allows you to import tree groups and hedges that have been defined in Google Earth, and saved as a KMZ/KML file, or that have been defined in accordance with the Well Known Text (WKT) format, based on the ISO/IEC 13249-3:2016 standard, and output as comma separated value (csv), kml/kmz or Excel (xls/xlsx) files.
To import groups, go to Tree>Import/Export>Import Trees and select the file containing either or both your trees and tree groups and import as defined in the KeyTREE Help.
KeyTREE v11.4.1 or earlier versions
Prior to KeyTREE v12.0, it was not possible to import tree groups direct from survey data, but you can still create tree groups, as described below:
Before you start:
In the drawing, define the group boundaries first as either closed polylines (polygons), which will represent the outer boundary of tree groups, or open polylines that represent the centreline of hedges. If your survey collection device allows you to export the boundaries to a DXF/DWG file, these can be opened in KeyTREE from File>Open, where you can use the exported geometry as the basis of your groups or hedges.
NOTE: If you need to copy and paste the boundaries from the survey drawing to a project drawing, provided they are both correctly georeferenced and of the same units, use the Windows Copy (Ctrl+C) shortcut key to copy from the source drawing and the AutoCAD PASTEORIG command to paste the trees at their surveyed (Easting and Northing) locations.
Once the boundaries are defined in your project drawing, you can create the tree groups in KeyTREE, using the following options:
Option 1: Define the group details within KeyTREE
- Record the tree group data on site as reference information
- Go to Tree>Tree / Hedge Group>Add
- Under Canopy, pick [From Drawing]
- When prompted, select the boundary
- When prompted to "Delete source objects?", pick either Yes or No, depending on whether you wish to use the boundary again or not
- Under Group Survey, enter the group information required based on the data you collected on site
- Pick OK and, when prompted, pick the location of the group label and then the leader line, as required
Option 2: Add a group reference tree on site and modify this once imported into KeyTREE
- When on site, add a reference (dummy) tree as a placeholder for the group, with a nominal canopy width, say 1m, and no stem data. Save the tree with the group data associated to it
- Go to Tree>Import
- Import your trees as usual, placing the reference tree within the boundary, as a placeholder for the data, as below
- Once imported, go to Tree>Modify and select the reference tree or double-click the tree to edit
- Go to [Display Options...]
- On the Stem tab, next to "Draw Blob with radius of" set the radius to 0 and pick OK
- Under Canopy Type, from the drop-down menu pick Geometry
- Above Canopy Type, pick [From Drawing]
- When prompted, select the tree group boundary
- When prompted to "Select the Tree Insertion Point", pick a reference point within the boundary
- When prompted to "Delete source objects?", pick either Yes or No, depending on whether wish to use the boundary again or not
- Pick OK to accept the changes
- The tree canopy will be represented by the boundary, with the group data recorded on site.