KeySCAPE Features - To Import Your KeySCAPE Drawing into Revit

  • Install the free KeySCAPE plug-in for Revit that is available from the Transoft Solutions website: Revit Plugins for KeySCAPE
  • Open the Revit model into which you wish to import your KeySCAPE elements
  • Go to the Add-Ins ribbon tab to open the Add-In panels

  • From the KeySCAPE Import panel, pick Import. If the Revit model includes more than a single shared survey point, the Choose Survey Point dialog will appear

  • From the list, select the survey point you wish to reference for the KeySCAPE import, i.e. the “Shared Coordinate” point you defined when exporting the data from KeySCAPE
  • Pick OK. The Open dialog appears

  • Navigate to and open the saved *.kxr export file
  • The Import Settings dialog appears


  • Select the options required, as follows:

  • 2D Views

  • Draw “object” Base Geometry - during import, you can select whether KeySCAPE draws the outline geometry for different object types in Revit 2D views, e.g. boundaries for planting areas, hedges, paving areas, etc.

  • Show Symbols for Planting Areas and Hedges- during import, you can select whether KeySCAPE displays the individual symbols for plants within planting areas and hedges in Revit 2D viewsSymbol Import Settings
  • Ratio of Symbols to Plant Numbers – defines the ratio of 3D symbols KeySCAPE will insert on the Revit topology (3D surface) as a representation of the calculated number of plants for planting areas and hedges, where:
  • 1:1 = full count of plants to be inserted in a 3D view. This will be slow
  • 1:2 = one 3D symbol represents approx. two calculated number of plants
  • 1:4 = one 3D symbol represents approx. four calculated number of plants
  • 1:8 = one 3D symbol represents approx. eight calculated number of plants
  • Increase Symbol Height based on Ratio – defines whether KeySCAPE multiplies the imported heights of symbols to compensate for reducing the number of inserted symbols above

  • Pick OK to apply the settings

Note: The changes you make within this dialog are saved to your personal settings on this computer and are not drawing specific, i.e. they will be remembered as your default settings for future imports

  • KeySCAPE will now load the necessary Revit families

Note: If this is the first time you have imported KeySCAPE features into the current model the load of KeySCAPE families will take approximately one minute to complete

  • When the KeySCAPE families have been loaded, the import Progress bar appears. The import may take several minutes

  • If Revit has encountered issues drawing base lines during import you may be prompted:

  • Pick [Unjoin Elements] to complete the import.

Note: Do not pick Cancel as this will cancel the entire import process

  • When the import is complete the Revit model will regenerate to show the KeySCAPE features

Example 2D View


Example 3D View