What formats of OS data are supported by KeyOSC

I am setting up a connection to the mapping but I need to know what formats/databases are supported

KeyOSC is designed to load OS MasterMap into AutoCAD. Mapping is available for use across your organisation, whether this be in GIS software or for use by engineers in CAD. The dominant model of storage is that just a single source of this mapping is maintained. The cost of maintaining multiple copies in different formats will be significantly higher.

A single, central source of mapping in a neutral (non-proprietary) database allows for the mapping to be served in multiple ways in a server <-> client model. All that the client needs is a ‘middle man’ to connect to the central store and retrieve mapping for the client software.

In the case of KeyOSC – a CAD client –it also performs the drawing and management functions within the client software. KeyOSC is largely data and technology agnostic (in other words multiple formats/technologies are supported), Within the different, supported technologies, the precise naming of tables and fields, and the structure of the data can be used. This is possible with a mechanism for you to specify the mapping between different data types. KeyOSC supports the following database technologies:

  • Oracle Spatial
  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • PostGIS
  • Web Feature Services (WFS) *

* WFS is supported from KeyOSC v3.3 onwards