KeySCAPE Troubleshooting - Publishing the Revit Shared Coordinate to an AutoCAD drawing


 You have created a planting drawing in KeySCAPE, for AutoCAD, or KeySCAPE LT and wish to export this to KeySCAPE RT. To ensure the imported planting overlays correctly with the model, you need to know the location of the Revit shared coordinate point.when exporting the drawing. If this is unknown, you need to aquire the coordinate from Revit..


 To aquire the Revit shared coordinate point and publish this back to the drawing as a named AutoCAD User Coorinate System (UCS), please follow the below steps:

1. In Revit, go to Insert>Link CAD.
2. Browse to and select the KeySCAPE drawing but do not open it at this stage
3. Adjacent to Positioning, from the drop down select the option that suits best for your site, the default is “Auto – Centre to Centre”

4. Once inserted, Move and Rotate the KeySCAPE file so that it underlay’s the Revit model
5. Go to the Manage tab, Project Location panel and from the Coordinates drop-down select Publish Coordinates:

5. Pick the linked KeySCAPE drawing. The Location Weather and Site dialog appears with the Site tab selected.
Note: Revit has already assigned to the linked KeySCAPE a position called “DefaultLocation”. You can use the default name or pick [Rename] to assign a more meaningful name, e.g. “KeySCAPE drawing”
6. Pick [OK]
7. Save the Revit model and you will be prompted:

8. Pick Save.

Note: This will modify the linked KeySCAPE drawing to add a new UCS location based on the Position name you defined above with a Revit prefix, e.g. “REVIT60-KeySCAPE Drawing” 
9. Send the drawing to your KeySCAPE user with the UCS saved
10. Alternatively, capture the USC details and send these, as follows:

  • Open the drawing in AutoCAD and type: UCS and press Return
  • You are prompted: Specify origin of UCS or [Face/NAmed/OBject/Previous/View/World/X/Y/Z/ZAxis] <World>:
  • Enter a question mark ? and press Return
  • The AutoCAD Text Window will appear and list all UCS’s contained in the drawing:


  • Copy the relevant UCS information and send this to the KeySCAPE user to create a new UCS in their drawing or to use when exporting from KeySCAPE to KeySCAPE RT.